William’s Story

NICU care from Niswonger Children’s Hospital

William Perry portrait, Niswonger Children’s Hospital Patient

At one year old, William is a kid on the move. He loves his wagon, stroller rides and any toy with wheels. He also loves having his family all together. “He likes it when everyone is there,” his father Joey says. “You can just tell he’s more content.”

“It made it easier knowing William was in good hands.”

It’s no wonder, considering the chaotic first three days of William’s life. Born via emergency C-section, he was brought to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Niswonger Children’s Hospital to be treated for infection and air outside of his lungs. Meanwhile, his mother was recovering in ICU at Franklin Woods Community Hospital, with his father travelling between the two.

Support from the amazing NICU nurses gave Joey peace during this chaotic time. “It made it easier knowing William was in good hands.”

Now, William is experiencing the world with all the fervent curiosity of a one-year-old, surrounded by his loving family. Joey says it’s hard to imagine the situation without having Niswonger Children’s Hospital so close. “Truly, God’s blessed this region to have Niswonger Children’s Hospital.”

Want to learn more about Niswonger Children’s Network?

The Niswonger Children’s Network is dedicated to improving the health and future of the Appalachian Highlands through expert pediatric care so that we can share more heartwarming stories like William’s.

Read more Niswonger Children’s Stories here.